
Richland Post 548 INC


Keystone Girls State

76th session of Keystone Girls State 

2022 Citizen Application


Shippensburg University, June 19 - 24, 2022

Application Deadline: May 15, 2022




            The American Legion Auxiliary’s Keystone Girls State is a six-day virtual program designed to educate Pennsylvania’s young women on our nation’s government and its foundation in Americanism, leadership, and moral character. Throughout the week, citizens will hold elected positions at the city, county, and state levels along with writing, debating, and voting on legislation in House and Senate sessions. Within their cities, citizens create ordinances, and in turn, prosecute any lawbreakers in a mock trial format. Most importantly, citizens will develop relationships that will last a lifetime!




High school girls eligible to participate in the ALA Girls State program must have completed their junior year of high school. They must also be a United States citizen or legal resident of the United States as evidenced by a current and/or valid birth certificate, visa, passport, Green Card, or other United States government-issued documentation verifying a legal presence in the United States for at least the duration of the ALA Girls State program. 


The total cost to attend is $300. Auxiliary Units or a sponsor will remit the $200 sponsor fee. The citizen’s family is responsible for a non-refundable $100 administrative fee to be sent to sponsoring unit. If you are sponsored and do not attend you are responsible to reimburse $200 to your sponsor. If you are involved with your local Auxiliary Unit, please speak with them about your desire to attend the program and if they are willing to sponsor your week at KGS. If you are not aware of your local Unit, however, you may email us at kgsalapa@gmail.com and we will match you with an Auxiliary Unit in your region. However, if you would like to bypass the process of obtaining an Auxiliary Unit sponsorship, you may directly pay your $300 fee. 






Name: _______________________________________       

 Date of Birth: ___/____/_______    

                                                 (LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE INITIAL)

Mailing address: ________________________________________________________________

                                                     (STREET)                                             (CITY)                                                     (STATE)                    (ZIP)

Citizen’s Email: ________________________________________________________________

**Please do not use a school email or parent’s email address**

Name of High School: ___________________________________________________________   

GPA: _________                  Current Grade (circle one):     Junior        Senior

Circle your preferred T-shirt size:                  S          M        L          XL       2XL     3XL


Your PA Senator: _______________________________________________________________

Your PA State Representative: _____________________________________________________

Information on Pennsylvania State Senators and Representatives can be found at: www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/findyourlegislator/



Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Relationship: __________________________________________________________________

Phone #: ____________________ Email: ____________________________________________