
Richland Post 548 INC



Patriot Guard Riders (PGR) of Pennsylvania  

The Patriot Guard Riders (PGR) is an organization based in the United States whose members attend the funerals of members of the U.S. military and first responders at the invitation of a decedent's family. You do not have to be a Veteran or a motorcycle owner or rider to attend any missions.

Our Mission

Our main mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives: 


  1. Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities by providing a flag line (honor guard) at the funeral or memorial service of any veteran, active duty soldier, or public safety-first responder (police and fire) who dies. 
  2. Provide a funeral escort from the Church or mortuary to the cemetery if requested by the family.
  3. Shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors if needed. 

We accomplish the latter through strictly legal and non-violent means. 

We are a 100% Volunteer, Federally registered 501(c)3 non-Profit organization which ensures dignity and respect at memorial services honoring Fallen Military Heroes, First Responders and Honorably Discharged Veterans.

Our Common Bond

We are a diverse combination of riders from across the nation.  We have one thing in common besides motorcycles.  We have an unwavering respect for those who risk their very lives for America’s freedom and security including Fallen Military Heroes, First Responders and Honorably Discharged Veterans.  If you share this respect, please join us.


Request Patriot Guard Riders mission 

If you have questions for the Patriot Guard Riders, go to the 'Patriot Guard Riders Pennsylvania web site' https://papatriotguard.org fill in the form with the appropriate information, submit it, and a PGR representative will get back to you as soon as possible. 

How can I join a Patriot Guard Rider  

1. Click on this link to the PGR National Website. Click on the LOGIN/REGISTER button to join at the top right portion of the Home Page. Follow the instructions completely to register.

Congratulations!  You are now a member of Patriot Guard Riders and we are proud to stand with you!

2. Please fill out our Demographics Form. While you filled out much of the same information, National does NOT share the info with the member’s State. The State Captain will receive this document and send you a Welcome Packet.

3. Participate.  Your participation matters to the loved ones and friends of the Heroes we are tasked to honor.

REMEMBER:  You don’t have to ride a motorcycle to be a member.  You don’t have to be a Veteran.  The onlyprerequisite is Respect.  You are also encouraged to participate in any missions in any / all PGRPA Regions.

Mission Uniform

PGR does not have a specified uniform for our missions.  As a general guideline, most riders and participants wear a leather vest, usually with appropriate badges sown on them. Designating them as veterans and veteran supports and even PGR members.  Some members wear a white shirt under the leather vest (long or short sleeve). Others wear appropriate t-shirts (non-political, non-derogatory). Depending on the weather appropriate conditions, PGR riders may even wear warmer jackets under their vests as the ride to and from the mission may be during colder weather.  

NOTE:   Richland Post 548 is recruiting riders to start a local Patriot Guard Rider Chapter.  

              Call 724.443.0047 for more information!